Gretchen Louise Morgan

Posted on 7:40 PM by jay-ar

Gretchen Louise Morgan - played by Jodi Lyn O'Keefe is introduced to the series in the third season as a high-ranking Company field-operative in charge of Whistler's breakout from Sona. She is also known under the alias "Susan B. Anthony". Despite claiming to have killed Sara, Season 4 revealed she lied and Sara is in fact alive. Gretchen finds herself in the company's crosshairs after the Whistler/Scylla disaster and later is forced out of necessity to aid Self's "A-Team" against her former employers. She is ruthless and impatient, performing swift executions without hesitation if there is any obstacle to her plan, but is known to have a soft side for the few individuals that she cares about, for example her daughter. She is shown to be able to withstand torture and is exceptionally skilled in martial arts. Her character is mainly an antagonist, and later an occasional, uneasy ally to the protagonists. Gretchen is the main antagonist of the third season. The character is first seen covering scratch wounds on her face with makeup. Later, she meets up with Lincoln at a bar and informs him that The Company has kidnapped both Sara and LJ, and that in order for them to survive, Michael must break James Whistler out of Sona prison. She casually claims that her name is Susan B. Anthony, which obviously is not her real name. When Lincoln tries to rescue both of them, she claimed to have personally beheaded Sara and warned the brothers not to play games. Gretchen provides assistance to both of the brothers so that their plan would work, such as money for the gravedigger (whom she eventually executed as she suspected that he might report them to the police) and a drug that could help silence a guard. When she finds out that Lincoln is trying to drug the guard much earlier than the hostage exchange time, she becomes furious and moves to behead the fearful LJ, but is stopped when Lincoln reveals the truth. When the escape ultimately fails, Gretchen's supervisor, General Krantz, forced her to carry out the "Bang and Burn" Operation, which involved flying helicopters into Sona to retrieve Whistler. Due to Michael's intervention, this operation fails. Hoping that Lincoln could once again be included into the plan, Gretchen allowed Lincoln to meet his son at an abandoned shack. Michael's confession caused her to be subsequently tortured by waterboarding by Sona guards. However, Gretchen was able to escape from their clutches. James Whistler later revealed that her real name is Gretchen Morgan. Following Michael and Whistler's escape from Sona, Gretchen was able to extract Whistler safely, but she failed to eliminate the brothers. In her final appearance of the season, she is seen driving away in a car with Whistler and Mahone (who had seemingly made a deal with Whistler to work for The Company after the escape).
In the season 4 premiere, Gretchen appears with Whistler on a mission to retrieve one of the Scylla cards, which fails when Whistler betrays The Company by stealing the original card, and Gretchen is punished by the general for her failure. Initially assumed dead, she is revealed to be alive at the end of “Breaking and Entering”, locked away and tortured for information. She has only a minimal role in the next few episodes, but finally escapes custody in the fifth episode. “Blow Out” fleshes out her character when Gretchen takes shelter at her sister’s house. It is revealed that Rita’s child Emelie is actually Gretchen’s daughter, and the character shows her first hints of a softer side when they appear in scenes together. Following this, Gretchen recovers and enters the main plot to obtain scylla. She tracks down T-Bag, who is in possession of Whistler’s bird book, and forces him to co-operate. She eventually becomes a reluctant ally to Michael and his team, which includes Sara. In an effort to make amends with Sara, whom Gretchen tortured in Panama, she meets with her in “The Price” and offers her to get even by whipping Gretchen with a bull whip. Sara declines, instead stating that Gretchen will one day pay for the guard she murdered that helped Sara escape. In “Greatness Achieved”, Gretchen is revealed to be a former lover of the general when she infiltrates his office with a gun seeking revenge. While she appears to soften at his manipulations, it is later revealed that she is merely playing along to gain inside information.
Gretchen and T-Bag serve mainly as wild cards in these episodes, playing Michael’s team, with their real plan revealed to be using them to get Scylla, only to then steal it and sell it to a Chinese crime syndicate for 125 million. In their scenes together, Gretchen is often the more ruthless character, while T-Bag appears more hesitant as he grows attached to salesman Cole Pfeiffer, the alias he is living under to facilitate the break-in. In order to speed things along, Gretchen accepts the task of trying to steal the general's scylla card by seducing him in "Quite Riot". He uncovers her true motivation, however, and she barely survives by pleading with him, confirming to the viewers that he is the father of her child. On the day of the break-in to steal Scylla, Gretchen and T-Bag stakes out the Gate corporation with machine guns, preparing to ambush the team when they return. Gretchen and a reluctant T-Bag takes the entire company hostage when someone spots her gun, and they are forced to flee when a federal agent arrives. In the next few episodes, Gretchen shares a plotline with Don Self, a Homeland Security agent that Michael’s team reports to. After betraying the team and taking Scylla, Self threathens the life of Gretchen’s daughter for her to help him find a new buyer. Gretchen complies and in "Going Under" they meet with the buyer, but fails when men appear to take them into Company custody. Following this, she is forced by the general to work with Self, Lincoln and T-Bag to recover Scylla. Her character is later written out when she is shot by the buyer and the rest of the team leave her behind to be arrested by the police.
In The Final Break, Gretchen is shown to be an inmate in the prison that Sara is taken to, for the murder of Christina Scofield Hampton. When Gretchen sees Lincoln and Sucre standing outside the prison, she demands that Sara take her along in any escape plan they may be developing. While initially threatening, Gretchen eventually reveals to Sara that she simply desires to see her daughter, Emily, and to give her a necklace which she made herself. She proves her loyalty by saving Sara from an attacker looking to collect a bounty put out by the General, who is incarcerated in a neighboring prison. When the escape commences, Gretchen attacks a guard and gets stabbed in the leg. Knowing that she cannot escape without help, Gretchen asks Sara to choose to either leave her behind or help her, and Sara lends her hand. Finally, as Sara and Gretchen are on their way, Gretchen is spotted by guards. When asked whether or not she is alone, Gretchen refuses to reveal Sara's presence, and gets taken back into custody. This is the last time she is seen. Before leaving however, Sara sees the necklace Gretchen made for her daughter on the ground, and, knowing she would have been caught had Gretchen betrayed her, Sara secures it, so that she may pass it along to Emily.


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